Why Do People Go to Church?

by | Jan 2, 2019 | Religion

Have you ever considered why Americans choose to go to church? The answers to that question might be a little surprising. Pew Research Center has done a survey looking into exactly that question. Of course, many of the findings are obvious, such as that those who are not religious tend not to go to church. However, there are some interesting things that this survey bought to light. We’ll consider a few of the reasons people visit churches in Jacksonville, FL, below.

Become Closer to God

Among those who attend church at least once a month, the number one reason for doing so is to become closer to God. In fact, 81% of the people who fit this group listed this as one of the reasons they attend church regularly. This is understandable since church is a spiritual environment where feeling close to God is a common experience.

Offer Children a Moral Foundation

Nearly 70% of the respondents who visit church at least once a month noted that offering their kids a good moral foundation was a reason to visit church. This just shows the importance of children’s ministry and programming for younger individuals. Many churches in Jacksonville, FL, nowadays put a lot into this in order to ensure children are motivated and entertained while at church.

Being Part of a Faith Community

Nearly 60% of respondents listed being part of a faith community as one of the reasons they attend their church. People enjoy being around other people who have things in common with them. Those who consider religion an important part of their lives are more likely to enjoy interacting with those who feel the same. It’s a fantastic way to meet new friends and feel supported by those around you.

Other Reasons

There were ten top reasons for attending church, and we wanted to share a few more of them. Of respondents, 68% go to church in order to be a better person, while 66% go for comfort when sad or in trouble. Over 35% go to continue the religious traditions of their family, 59% find the sermon valuable, and 19% enjoy meeting new people and socializing.

At Southpoint Community Church, we’d be happy to introduce you to the Jacksonville spiritual community. If you are interested in learning more about our services or wish to ask a question, you can visit our website at www.SouthpointCC.com.

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